1940-1945 - The Germans killed in action in Valkenburg-Houthem"> Persons
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The names on the walls


Limburg 1940-1945,
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  6. Valkenburg 1940-1945


People who played a role during WW2 in and around Valkenburg. Most of them appear in the resistance story about Valkenburg. In that case, click on More in our story Resistance in Valkenburg next to that name.
This list is far from being complete.
Read also 1940-1945 - The Germans killed in action in Valkenburg-Houthem

† ✡ † Jews Holocaust Allied soldiers USA RAF NL sold Verzet initial resistance L.O. K.P. municipality local contacts couriers occasional resistance Gr. Smit people in hiding Valkenburg+ Valkenburg Berg en Terblijt Schin op Geul IJzeren Sibbe Margraten Houthem-St.Gerlach Geulhem Hulsberg Houthem Klimmen Meerssen Heerlen police priests NSB / NSDAP Germans killed in action in Valkenburg-Houthem

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4 pers.
Frans Alexander
∗ 1921-10-18
† 1944-12-20
occasional resistance - Valkenburg - war victim - Frans Cobbenhaegen was a post official in Valkenburg, unmarried, arrested (date unknown) in Cologne for smuggling letters to the Netherlands. He passed through the camps of Amersfoort, Sachsenhausen and Buchenwald [1] on his ordeal, and died on Dec. 20, 1944 in concentration camp Kommando …

More in our story Resistance in Valkenburg
Wilhelm Joseph
∗ 1920-12-29
† 1944-09-05
L.O. - K.P. - person in hiding - war victim - Joep Francotte was a roofer/plumber from Vaals. His family website: He refused to work in Germany and was sentenced to months of forced labor in a camp for it. [1]
Cammaert: After the betrayal of Wittem [2.1], J.H. Coenen [2.2] from …

More in our story Resistance in Valkenburg
Hout, van
Johannes Franciscus
∗ 1908-10-17
† 1945-02-22
KZ Neuengamme
early resistance - Valkenburg - war victim - Jan van Hout was a professional cyclist from 1932 to 1940. When he was eight years old, he moved to Eindhoven with his parents. In 1932 he set a new Dutch hour record (42.282) in Tilburg and on August 25th, 1933, on the wooden cycle track in Maasniel near Roermond, a world hour record of 44.588 …

More in our story Resistance in Valkenburg
Charles Joseph
∗ 1916-03-05
† 1944-01-18
AEL Groß-Beeren, Kreis Teltow
early resistance - Valkenburg - war victim - Charles Nijst was a student at the Katholieke Economische Hogeschool (Catholic College of Economics) in Tilburg. [1]
The no longer existing weekly newspaper Het Land van Valkenburg wrote about him: He refused to sign a declaration of loyalty and went into …

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